Organisations must be sustainable institutionally, financially, and programmatically. Programmatically an organization should deliver products and services that respond to clients’ needs. Institutionally an organization should have accountable and transparent governance practices which enable it to respond to the shifting priorities of its stakeholders. Financially an organization draws on various sources of revenue, enabling it to support its ongoing efforts and undertake new initiatives.

Resource mobilisation is critical for the continuation of an organisation’s service provision and operations. However, some organisations are encountering challenges such as, resource mobilisation strategies that do not align with the needs of the organisation to optimally continue to deliver on its mandate, resource mobilisation left until there is a crisis, and no skills to market the organisation and its programmes.

Ungweru-Chiedza assists organisations to develop sustainability strategies for building resilience and ensuring that the positive change that is achieved is sustained. We also assist organisations to develop resource mobilisation strategies and plans.

